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Make-up Days: If your child misses a day, they can come on another day a child is absent. That way your child won't miss out!

Birthdays: On your child's birthday we sing Happy Birthday and give her a present from the preschool.

Parenting Program: We have 16 audio CDs about effective parenting. These CDs have changed our lives and made us better parents. The author has allowed us to check them out to parents for free.

Class Prize: When the class is listening at the rug they get a puzzle piece removed to reveal a mystery prize underneath.

Photos: We take photos throughout the year and put them in a Dropbox you can download.

Spotlight: Every week we spotlight one child in the class. When your child is spotlighted he receives a Spotlight Badge.

Songs: We've recorded all the songs we sing on a CD. You can check it out, or own your own copy. This way if your child knows half the words, you can help fill in the rest.  

Graduation: At the end of the year we do a graduation complete with a presentation, caps and gowns, diplomas, and refreshments.